Thursday, 4 October 2012

The Boys are Back in Town

Well folks!

 I rediscovered this blog last night by sheer accident and had such a laugh reading it, that I sent it on to a few friends, one of whom said "it's feckin' great reading!" So with a comment like that I said I'd have to get back on the very high cynical horse and start ranting once more(not that I ever stopped, but just didn't write them down.) It's been almost a year since I last posted on this, so let's see what has changed.

Looking back over the 4 or 5 blog posts I made, not much really. I'm still a man in his early twenties with the cynicism of a seventy year old, Arts wasters are becoming even more prevalent, the same people on Facebook are still wreck-the-heads and internet anonymity is still more or less non-existent.

So expect more of the same shite from me over the next few days/weeks/months or however long it takes me to lose interest in this again! At the moment anyway I'm planning on doing a post at least every 3 days or so, or whenever something comes to mind, but sure I suppose we'll see what happens.

Also the aforementioned friend that said this blog was "feckin' great reading," has been inspired by moi to start his own, so make sure and have a look, I'd say there's some great stuff in store!