Saturday 17 December 2011

Arts Students

Perhaps the title is unfair. It's not right to tar all the Arts students with the same brush, I know many Arts students who work hard and will get a good degree with good subjects.

There is a huge correlation though between wasters and an Arts degree. By wasters I don't just mean people who are lazy, I mean people who have no interest in being in college at all. Why on earth would someone spend 3/4 years doing something they don't like? Take for example, Sociology and Politics, the main subject among first arts. Why they all pick it I'll never understand, most of them have absolutely no interest in anything related to it, and would cringe if you ever talked about politics, social issues etc. The only interest they'd have in it would be complaining about the fact they have to turn up to tutorials or lectures and do a few assignments, imagine that! Having to actually do something! No thanks, I'm an arts waster!

I always asked the wasters I know, "why did you come to college if you hate doing work?" to which they answered "To get a job." Fair enough, but I don't think many of them understand that your job prospects from someone who has nothing to show from university except a 3.1 Arts degree and a catalogue of bad hangovers are not very different from a school leaver.

The Arts degree can be great, I know loads of people who graduated with great Arts degrees and are doing quite well for themselves, but in reality the amount of wasters in it lowers it's reputation. A Bachelor of the Arts has become almost synonamous with "college for the sake of it," and something you do when you don't know what you want to do, except move to college with your friends and go drinking, which isn't good for the proper students doing arts, whose degree is somewhat lessened because of these knobs, but hey, I suppose they knew that when they picked it so c'est la vie!

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