Saturday, 17 December 2011

"How did ya do?" "Ara shite enough..."

This has to be one of the most annoying things you'll come across as an undergrad, people coming out of exams, telling everyone how crap they did, and how they'll be keeping their summer free due to the impending repeats. Then low and behold come results time, these same people do fairly well. Please fuck off.

Why do people do this? Are they trying to make everyone else feel better? Are they hesitant about jinxing fate? Or are they actually just unconfident in their own work? It's amazing, the correlation between results and what people tell you. I'm not sure on exact figures, but I'm sure greater than 50% of students score above 50% on average in exams, yet you will be hard pressed to find even 10% of people that will come out of an exam and be honest when asked. No, you have to do the "socially polite" thing and tell everyone how shite you are.

This social politeness reared it's ugly head in, above all other places, my own sitting room. I was asked how my morning exam went, "Savage," I replied. What I was then informed by the lovely young woman, was that how dare I say I done well, even though I thought I did, apparently it's unfair to other people in the exam that didn't feel good about it, unfair to people sitting other exams, and basically unfair to society in general. I politely told her that none of these people were in my sitting room, and that she could fuck off. Don't ask if you don't want to know.

These idiots annoy me to no end. Why the fuck are you here if you want to complain about every exam and assignment, and have no interest in academia whatsoever? Just because your happy to get a shitty degree and be really cool by telling everyone how generally fucked you are for everything college related, doesn't mean the rest of us have to conform to your social niceties you've created around exams and results. Please drop out!

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